“If I bought bitcoin 10 years ago, I was rich” 10 Years Will Pass Again

6 min readMar 26, 2021


How did Bitcoin get from $ 1 to $ 53,000? How many dollars will it be in the future? Here are the answers:

Let’s first look at the value of bitcoin in previous years:
- When Bitcoin was born, it cost US $ 0.001

- In 2010, the price of bitcoin reached the value of US $ 0.06 and then fell again to $ 0.10

- In 2011, the price of bitcoin reached the value of US $ 0.14 and then fell again to $ 0.09

- In 2012, the price of bitcoin reached the value of US $ 0.30 and then fell again to $ 0.22

- In 2013, the price of bitcoin reached the value of US $ 1.00 and then fell again to $ 0.80

- In 2014, the price of bitcoin reached the value of US $ 500 and then fell again to $ 400

- In 2015, the price of bitcoin reached the value of US $ 1000 and then fell again to $ 600. At that moment there was a war between China and America, financial institutions were devaluating their currencies against each other in order to attract investors from other countries. At that time it was felt that China might devalue its currency even more than America did, so people all over the world wanted to buy bitcoins against dollars.

The Bitcoin price rose in 2016:

- When we went to the end of 2015, the bitcoin was priced at € 800, but in February of 2016 the bitcoin was priced at € 1350. The best way to get currency is to invest in gold. However, nobody understands gold, and even some people who are investing in gold do not understand what that metal is. In fact, there are many different types of metals that have a value of millions or billions of dollars. It would be better to invest only once in one kind of metal (for example gold, silver or platinum) rather than buying 1 gold coin and 10 silver coins.

- In April of 2016 the price of bitcoin reached the value of US $ 1040, then fell again and in November it reached a price of US $ 730. This was because the European Central Bank announced that it would print € 60 billion monthly in order to save their economy from deflation or that there would be a recession.

- In December 2016 the price of bitcoin was € 1180, and then fell again to € 864. The value of bitcoin rose by over 1000% compared to 2015’s value, but it fell by 65% compared to its highest price which was at the end of 2014. This is because the price of bitcoin was influenced by many factors, including the value of currencies that are used in international trade. For example, if the value of a country’s currency decreases against other currencies, this means that it will be cheaper to buy products and services from other countries. This makes it easier for people to import goods and services from other countries. However, it will be more difficult for people to export their products or services worldwide. This is because the price of their products will be relatively higher than they would have been otherwise. It needs time for people to adapt to this change in prices so they can adjust their import / export businesses accordingly, which will reduce the demand for bitcoins worldwide.

The Bitcoin price will continue to rise in 2017:

When we look back at the year 2017, it can be seen that the value of bitcoin is very sensitive to what happens with currencies. For example, when the Euro was devalued by a significant amount against other currencies (the US dollar and other currencies), the price of bitcoin fell considerably. It is similar with gold; gold prices rose because stocks were falling. This is why many people say that a significant change in currency values will decrease demand for bitcoins. However, there is one difference between gold and bitcoin: gold can be turned into cash, but bitcoin cannot.

- In January 2017 the price of bitcoin was € 986 and then fell again to € 687 in February. This is because the Chinese New Year festival decreased the value of China’s and Hong Kong’s currency by a significant amount against the US dollar.

- In April 2017 the price of bitcoin was US $ 1170 and then fell again to US $ 530 in May. This was because there was a rumor that China would ban bitcoins so people started to sell bitcoins at a low price. From this perspective, it can be seen that prices in stock markets rise significantly when people are confident about future changes in currencies.

The Bitcoin price will increase in 2018

- In 2018 the price of bitcoin was US $ 3700 and then fell again to US $ 2800 in November. This is because there were rumors that China may ban bitcoin exchanges. This led to a widespread panic which affected the attitude of investors worldwide towards bitcoin.

- In 2018, it is expected that the price of bitcoin will increase significantly when people become more confident about changes in currencies. Therefore, it can be predicted that the price of bitcoins will increase after China stops its devaluations against other currencies (the US dollar and other currencies).

The Bitcoin price will keep increasing in 2019 and 2020

- In 2019 the volume of bitcoin transactions is expected to increase significantly because China will not be devaluing its currency as it does today. This means that people are likely to invest more in bitcoins. This suggests that the demand for bitcoin will increase significantly.

- In 2019 and 2020, the price of bitcoin is expected to increase by more than 20% compared with 2017’s value. This is because bitcoin’s price is very sensitive to changes in currencies and changes in stock markets. Since these factors may change during this period, there may be a change in demand towards bitcoins which could cause a significant decrease or increase in its value.

- In 2020, it is expected that the value of bitcoin will be around US $ 60,000. This is because in 2021, the United States (the major economy in the world) will stop printing its currency in high volumes. This is likely to increase the value of bitcoin significantly.

In this way we can see that there are two main factors affecting bitcoin values: currencies and stock markets. If we look at changes in world currencies and stock markets over a 5-year period from May 2017 to May 2022 we can get an idea about how these factors may change during this period and predict what impact they might have on bitcoins.

In conclusion, it can be said that if you want to make money investing in bitcoins, it is important that you look at changes in currencies and stock markets from a long-term perspective. In this way you will be able to predict how investments in bitcoins may affect the value of bitcoin in the future.

To conclude, this article has shown that bitcoins have a high degree of volatility. Because of this, it is important to make money selling bitcoins rather than buying them in the first place. This is because it is difficult to predict how they will increase or decrease in the future. However, we can say with confidence that over the next few years there will be a significant rise in bitcoin’s value compared with other currencies.

Just remember that investing and trading are risky and you should always be careful with your money. But if you want to know when bitcoin will reach US $ 60,000 or US $ 1 million in 2019, 2020 and 2021 then you just have to read about bitcoins regularly and learn more about them through our blog.

As you can see, bitcoin has increased by 10000%. If we talk about these statistics and think that bitcoin will say goodbye to us in 2140, bitcoin will increase by least 100% after 10 years. But I think bitcoin will disappear completely after 50–100 years. Technology will develop and a much more advanced system will emerge instead of the blockchain system. This shows that bitcoin will be completely devalued.

Stay well. I weychel




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